Archive of the unexplained and paranormal events which happened, we cannot find a logical explanation for them.

Where do they disappear and where do they appear? In the past, the most fantastic stories were told about mysterious islands that appeared and disappeared. There were mentions of mysterious explosions and volcanic eruptions, evil sorcerers and phantoms, sea gods and beings in mysterious craft, which sank these islands to the bottom of the sea! 

The event took place in December 1956 and almost the entire world press wrote about it. Sailing around the world in their luxury yacht 'Laura Lee', James and Helen Bryan found themselves in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

They had been sailing in the calm Pacific for days when, in the late twilight, on the far horizon, they saw the outlines of a small southern island. Although it was not marked on the ship's chart, this did not surprise the Bryans, because they knew that their ship's chart was not up to date. In addition, the area they sailed through was teeming with countless islets.

As night fell, they decided to drift off into the waters of this quiet Pacific island. That's why they steered the yacht in that direction. Soon they sailed into a small sandy cove, and as it seemed to them that the islet was uninhabited, they dropped anchor, deciding to explore the interior of the island tomorrow.

James Bryan tried in vain that night to identify the island. The islet was not registered on any of the nautical charts he used. He precisely recorded its position, deciding to report his discovery to the National Geographic Society in Washington so that it would be included in maritime atlases.

That night, James and Helen treated themselves to a little celebration. They dined on the deck of lobsters bought at the Vivak island market, with a candle and a bottle of sparkling wine, admiring the quiet southern night and the colorful islet on whose sandy beaches gentle sea waves foamed. As a gentle wind blew through their crowns, the tall palm trees bent slightly, obscuring the starry sky.

The Bryans went to bed that night filled with the pleasant feelings that come over people who discover a new home. Mrs. Helen woke up first. The sun had already risen and she lazily strolled out onto the deck to pick up a few towels that were drying. When she became aware that something was wrong, she paused in confusion. All around stretched a calm open sea and nowhere on the horizon was that quiet bay, nor the colorful island with tall palm trees that they had anchored by the day before.

Helen nearly screamed and woke James in a panic. But it was all in vain. All they could conclude was that their yacht had not changed its position during the night and that they were still at the place where they had dropped the ship's anchors. However, the colorful island was no longer there.

The second case is even more unusual. At the beginning of the twentieth century, during the rapid development of textile production and the great need for cotton, many American farmers decided to grow this industrial plant. However, the highest quality types of cotton required special conditions and produced the highest quality fruit on the southern islands.

Under pressure from interested farmers, the US government approached Japan with a request to lease several of its islands for cotton cultivation. A deal was soon made. Japan ceded three small Pacific islands. However, when the American farmers arrived at the given latitude and longitude, they were a little surprised, because they could not find the leased islands. There was no sign of land anywhere nearby!

An international scandal broke out, so Tokyo reacted quickly. He sent his fleet to determine if there really were leased islands or not, but the Japanese fleet did not find them either. The islands simply disappeared and no one could explain what happened!

Mysterious Island of the Seven Cities

Islands appearing and disappearing are nothing new in the history of navigation. Stories about them, in the past centuries, were common and they were often discussed even in the most respected scientific institutions.

On old nautical maps we find many islands drawn, which are not there today: Antilia, St. Brandan, Brazil, Friesland, the island of Seven Cities... and the stories about them are more than interesting.

When the Moors, under the leadership of General Tariq, broke into European soil in 711 and occupied present-day Spain and Portugal, legend says that seven Catholic bishops, led by the Archbishop of Oporto, who did not want to live under the rule of the conquerors, led a group of refugees , which boarded several ships and sailed west. The story goes that, after wandering, they landed on a larger, colorful island where they founded seven cities, which is how they named their new abode.

The island of the Seven Cities, however, has been the subject of controversy since that moment. In the following centuries, many navigators considered it phantom, and in the 12th century, the famous Arab geographer and cartographer Idrisi, wrote about an island in the Atlantic, called Bahelia, on which there once existed seven cities. However, that island disappeared after that and nothing was heard about it until the 14th and 15th centuries. Then, on the maps of Italian and Spanish navigators, in the western part of the Atlantic, the island of Antilles appears with seven cities with unusual names: Azai, Ari, Haisos, Anzuli, etc., and in 1474, King Alfonso V of Portugal presented Captain F. Teles with 'Seven cities and other islands in the Atlantic, north of Guinea'!

There is no doubt that in those years the island of the Seven Cities represented a real mystery. This is evidenced by the record of the Flemish sailor Ferdinand Dulmus, who in 1486 asked the Portuguese king for permission to take possession of that island if he found it at all, and in 1498 the Spanish ambassador to the English court, Pedro Ahal, informed his king that Bristol sailors had sent several expedition in search of the islands of the Seven Cities and Friesland, but they failed to find them!

It remains unclear whether and why some cartographers equated the island of the Seven Cities with Antillia. It is known that European geographers sincerely believed that Antilles existed. So in 1492, Martin Bechaem, on his famous globe, placed it in the Atlantic, noting that 'a Spanish ship sailed to its coast without any danger in 1914'!

Antalya was also mentioned by other cartographers of the 15th century, and in a letter to King Alfonso V in 1480, Columbus also mentioned it with the words "the island of Antilia, which is also known to you". The king even recommends Antillio to him "as a good place where he will stop on his voyage and land on the coast".

As far as is known, Columbus never landed there, because he did not find Antilles, but they were later named the Greater and Lesser Antilles after that phantom island!

The Legend of St. Brendan

Irish maritime traditions are among the oldest in Europe. Back in the 4th century AD, the Irish king Niall sent his fleet to fight against the invading Romans. In the Middle Ages, Irish missionaries boldly embarked on uncertain voyages in order to spread Christianity on the scattered islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Their exciting voyages are still sung today by ancient Irish 'imra' - epics, among which, throughout past history, the most popular was the 'Voyages of Saint Brandan'.

 Saint Brandan is a historical figure (484-577). During his long life he became a living legend. Traveling around the northern countries and islands, he spread Christianity and founded several monasteries. He was especially persistent in organizing expeditions, which searched for the Islands of the Happy, in the western Atlantic, which many still identify with the legendary Avalon, a kind of paradise on earth.

 In the Irish epic 'Voyage of Saint Brandan', the missionary's exciting voyage to an unusual archipelago, 40 days' sailing away, is described. With 17 of his companions, priests, Saint Brandan landed on a colorful stone island from which waterfalls tumbled into the sea. There they found a guide with whom they landed on the island of Bird's Paradise, but soon they continued sailing and after a three-month journey through the fog, they reached the island where Saint Ailbe lived in a large monastery.

The Irish Odyssey, as it could be called 'The Voyages of St. Brandan', describes the time of several years, in which the famous missionary landed and visited an unknown number of picturesque islands, which today are not on any nautical chart of the Atlantic Ocean. They stayed on a wooded island full of vines, which they called Grape Island; rested on the Isle of Sheep; encountered icebergs and observed islands with volcanic domes. Eventually they reached the Promised Holy Land, a rich treasure of fruits and vegetables 'and all kinds of prosperity', where they spent seven happy years. Saint Brandan returned to Ireland in advanced years. He died soon after, reaching the age of 93.

A large geographical map of the world from 1275 still covers one entire wall in the cathedral in Hereford, England. The discoveries of St. Brandan were also registered on that map, so the 'Seven Holy Islands' - the islands of St. Branadana'. On later maps, these islands are mentioned less and less, and in the 18th century, the islands appear under the name Canaries. Among the inhabitants of those seven islands, it was believed that there was an eighth island, called Sv. Boronda, and that it is located about 40 nautical miles from the island of Palma. Several fishing expeditions searched for this island in 1721, but it was no longer in the indicated position! He was never heard from again!

Island of the Dead Souls

Phanto  m islands, which in the past appeared and disappeared in the sea, have for centuries puzzled the world's navigators and ignited the imagination of die-hard fantasists. In port taverns, sailors' clubs, and even in official naval offices and institutions, the most diverse stories were told about them. There were mentions of volcanic eruptions and terrible explosions caused by 'the sea that boils', and often, like the lore of the Pacific islands, stories were told about unusual creatures from the bottom of the sea, gods of the sea, who came to the surface only when they wanted an island. to sink and drag to the bottom!

A legend still lives in Iceland today, which says that through a secret entrance on the Hekla volcano, you can reach the underground cities, where the descendants of an old, highly developed civilization still live. Those cities, according to that tradition, were built by the gods of the sea, who came from the heavens and were the undisputed rulers of the sea depths for centuries.

Many phantom islands are drawn on old maritime maps, but one is particularly interesting, which appeared and disappeared in different parts of the Atlantic Ocean in the past centuries. They called it - Breasil, Brezil or Brasil, and its existence was believed until the 19th century.

Phantom Island was first mentioned on Dulcert's map in 1325 and is located in waters south of Ireland. Later, it is referred to as an island surrounding a calm lagoon with nine islets, and since the 16th century Breasil has been 'walking' in the waters near North America, only to 'return' to its old place, south of Ireland, in the 18th century. .

The first organized search for the 'island that appears and disappears' was recorded in 1452, when the Portuguese navigator Diego de Teive was sent by Prince Henryk to circumnavigate the North Atlantic. In search of Breasil, the Portuguese sailor reached all the way to Irish waters, but did not find the island. The same fate was experienced by the famous Captain John Lloyd, 'the most famous sailor in all of England', who after nine weeks of unsuccessful search, exhausted, disappointed and defeated, returned to his native Bristol. At the end of the 15th century, several more expeditions were organized, but all were in vain - the island of Breasil simply disappeared!

The mysterious island is also mentioned in Irish legends. It is related to the old Celtic story of nine islands that rise out of the sea every seven years and disappear as soon as a ship approaches them.

Tradition says that there were several serious witnesses who allegedly saw with their own eyes when Breasil appeared from the depths of the sea. Stunned eyewitnesses, later, claimed that on the mysterious island they noticed some kind of human-like beings moving along the shore, so the pious people of that time believed that the souls of lost sailors lived on Breasil...

Hy-Brasil, the Hidden Island of Giant Magical Rabbits

Another Irish legend is related to an island called Hy-Brasil. In the province of Munster there is a hill 'where the never-discovered tomb of the early Irish king Conan was located, and in the tomb there was a key with which, if someone found it, the island of Hy-Brasil could be raised from the sea again'!

In 1680, a story was recorded about how a certain Oly spent six or seven years on the island of Hi Brasil, and when he returned he was able to cure people of a wide variety of serious and incurable diseases, because, allegedly, during his stay on the mysterious island, he learned the art of magic and medicine! In the interesting part 'Irish poets, wanderers', it is stated that in 1636 a captain named Rich, who sailed from Dublin, 'managed to discover Brasil, but could not disembark because of thick fog'.

It is certain, however, that the only man who managed to land on this mysterious island was the Irish sailor, the vagabond John Nisbatt. Having sailed to Ireland in 1674, he said that Brasil was 'a great black rock, inhabited by black rabbits and a poor dangerous wizard, who lives in a great enchanted castle'. Nisbatt was able to resist the sorcerer's magic and escape thanks to the fact that he lit a fire, and fire, as it is known, represents the power of light in the fight against the forces of darkness. Breasil was dying slowly. It remained on some naval charts until the end of the 19th century. It was only at the end of 1873, when the navigators failed to provide any evidence of its existence, that the British Admiralty deleted it from all their maps forever.

But how could it happen that the stories about Breasil, the island 'that emerges from the sea and disappears', that is, a phantom island, captured the imagination of sailors and maritime superpowers for centuries? Where and why? Adequate answers have never been found to these questions.

Modern science has discovered the existence of an unknown planet on the edge of our solar system. The planet has a very large mass (possibly up to five times that of Earth) and an as yet undetermined distance - supposedly about half a light year from the Sun.

It was discovered by a mathematical method, based on unusual anomalies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, as well as in the belt of asteroids that orbit within the solar system. Admittedly, these anomalies were noted long before the discovery of Pluto in 1929, when it was speculated about the existence of a huge celestial body, in the immediate 'nearby', which causes them. The discovery of the miniature Pluto could not provide a satisfactory answer as to why the two large planets have irregular paths, so the question remained open until today.

Why did it take almost a century to come out with more serious information about the mysterious planet? Absence of technical capabilities or something else, can only be guessed. But it is good to remember that Uranus was discovered with a primitive telescope in 1781, and Neptune in 1846.

However, the difference between this and the other planets in the solar system is huge and this is the main reason for the confusion and concern of today's astronomers and scientists. And the main peculiarity of the planet is that it moves in an elliptical path and opposite rotation around the axis than all other planets.

The concern is all the greater because of the delicacy of the phenomenon that could threaten life on Earth, and the official announcement would, of course, cause incredible reactions around the world. It is hard to imagine what kind of disturbances religious communities would experience, due to the fact that the planet is inhabited by an advanced civilization, and especially the Christian Church, whose blood-built foundations and 2,000-year-old doctrine would be severely shaken. Disturbances in the world of capital and finance are difficult to even think about, and those who have chosen for themselves the roles of on-call world guardians, on the front line of defense of civilizational achievements (and capital, above all) are most afraid of that.

Where the planet is currently located is not known, but there are certain speculations and they are a good basis for various calculations and predictions. What future awaits us and whether we will soon witness an apocalyptic celestial event no one can say for sure, but we should not forget the indisputable fact that the Earth, like the entire solar system, cyclically goes through turbulent periods; natural disasters, climate change, disappearing civilizations...!

Sumerians and Nibiru

What is confusing news to modern scientists, the ancient Sumerians knew 6,000 years ago. They wrote down their knowledge in various ways, including on the so-called 'clay tablets', which, in part and by some miracle, have been preserved to this day.

However, the data found on those plates are unacceptable to today's scientists, not because they are not interesting or worth studying, but because they contradict their, for the most part, patriarchal teaching, based primarily on Darwin's evolutionary theses and man arising from primates or a monkey!?

Fortunately, there are exceptions worth mentioning. First of all, the prematurely deceased Carl Sagan, a man with a great open mind, who dared twenty years ago, in his fantastic series (and book) 'Cosmos', to mention '... a huge, dark planet orbiting in the depths of the Milky Way, about which we know almost nothing except that there is life on it...' !!! Who still remembers wonderful trips on an imaginary ship - a dandelion and flying over a mysterious planet?

Dr. John Murray, a British astronomer, after extensive mathematical calculations, was the first to dare to disclose data on the existence of a large, unknown planet in the neighborhood of the solar system, as the cause of unusual deviations in the paths of distant comets. Physicist Daniel Whitmire and astronomers from the American University of Louisiana came to the same conclusion. And that only 12 years ago, in 1999. dr. Zecharia Sitchin, is a scientist who, for more than fifty years, has not been directing his research towards the sky, but rather the opposite, towards the earth, digging in archaeological sites, studying the history written by ancient peoples.

He is one of the few people in the world who can read the Sumerian script and, as he says in the Prologue of his book 'The Twelfth Planet', he has devoted his life to the study of the Old Testament, the Book of Genesis and the history of the ancient Near East; Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Canaanite and other ancient texts and epic stories.

Archaeological discoveries and the deciphering of ancient records confirmed the correctness of biblical allusions to kingdoms, cities, rulers, temples and customs of ancient times. The Old Testament states in several places: 'The throne of Yahweh is in the heavens'... 'From the heavens the Lord looks down on the Earth'. Manuscripts of the ancient Near East, including a wealth of astronomical data, speak unequivocally of the existence of a planet from which the astronauts or 'gods' arrived. All ancient peoples believed in gods who descended to earth from heaven and who could fly from earth back to heaven.

Is a Planet or a Starship?

All previous research, findings, assumptions, calculations, interpretations or simply our wishes about the mysterious planet as the abode of an advanced race have changed a lot in the last years. There are several versions of the latest research that it is not an 'ordinary' planet, albeit an atypical trajectory, but a planet-starship, equipped for long galactic journeys, but also for warfare and defense.

Superficially, this looks like some detail from sci-fi movies, but everything is much more complex and believable than the movie, and one should not lose sight of the fact that the film industry persistently comes up with the most incredible scenarios with huge dollar budgets. A question to think about: 'Who and with what intention'!?

But here we are talking about the planet that we affectionately call Nibiru, although it is given various nicknames and names; from Planet X (!?), Dark Star, Brown Dwarf to the 10th planet (the 10th in our solar system, even though that planet doesn't belong there at all). Thus, a planet up to 4 times larger than Earth orbits in an elliptical path within the Milky Way and enters our system approximately every 3,600 years. Hence the appropriation of this cosmic traveler and its inclusion in the order of planets orbiting the Sun. But according to the claims of some media (in the true sense of the word) Nibiru belongs to the 'Galactic Federation' of our galaxy (called the Milky Way on Earth) as its main representative. Due to its specificity that as a planet it travels relatively huge distances and thus touches many areas of the galaxy, Nibiru was chosen as a kind of ambassador and nursery of civilizations. If Nibiru is just one federation station where is the base !?

Originally, Nibiru was created by the disintegration of the star Sirius B and thrown into the cosmos in that collision. Too small to catch fire and thus become a new sun, it takes an elliptical path attracted by a more powerful body, most likely our Sun. At one point in distant cosmic prehistory, passing through the solar system, it hit a huge planet (Tiamat, according to Sumerian records) that was in its way, and from that union, today's Earth, the Moon and the asteroid belt - the 'Heavenly Bracelet' were born.

How, when and why Nibiru was inhabited by the first civilization remains an enigma. But what we are probably more interested in than that is the question of what the imminent passage of that planet means for Earth. In order to understand this, it is necessary to keep in mind three key facts;

Nibiru is a planet up to four times larger than the Earth, which in its perigee passes through the path between Mars and Jupiter,

Nibiru is inhabited by a more advanced civilization,

Nibiru is not only a planet but also a spaceship equipped with a huge number of aircraft and weapons.

At one point in its history, Nibiru went from being the abode of lower life forms to the abode of a more advanced species that needed a suitable environment to live on such a traveling planet in the conditions of a long-term absence of sunlight. The planet has literally been hollowed out and all life has been transferred to its bowels, while on the surface there are facilities and aircraft and weapons bases.

And while all this may seem strange and unbelievable to us, it is not out of place to take a look at our wonderful planet and peer under the surface. Allegedly, the Earth is also crisscrossed with underground tunnels, many of which were not built by known civilizations. The reason for the existence of underground residences on Earth, if they are not intended for mining ores, probably lies in the need to hide the inhabitants in a safer environment while extraordinary circumstances occur on the surface of the planet - for example, a disruption of solar activity!?

Flathead Lake Monster

The Flathead Lake Monster is a cryptid, a creature whose existence is now not proven, that is said to be located in Flathead Lake in Montana. Its look is very comparable to that of the Loch Ness Monster, and the two have regularly been said to be the same kind of creature.

The legend was born in 1889 when the skipper and passengers on a steamer by the name of the U.S. Grant noticed a large whale-like creature in front of the boat, which they first assumed was nothing more than a floating log. As they got closer, they were surprised to see the object was alive and swimming from side to side. The close proximity to the creature frightened several passengers and one responded by pulling out his rifle and shooting at it. The shot was said to miss, but was enough to startle the creature, which immediately dove into the water below.

Flathead Lake Location

Flathead Lake Montana
This lake in the northwestern corner of Montana is said to be the home of large lake monster. The freshwater Flathead Lake is the largest lake to be found in the state of Montana and was formed by a glacial damming of the connecting Flathead River. It boasts 22 different types of fish species and a wide array of aquatic plants and has become a popular recreation spot for many boaters and anglers alike. Given its size of 28 miles long and 15 miles wide, with a depth of over 380 feet, it should be no surprise that many believe it is also the home of an elusive creature.

Montana's "Nessie"

Loch Ness Monster from Montana
Since the first sighting in 1889, there have been up to 79 further reported sightings through 1995. Almost all of the reports have the same description of a serpent-like creature from 20 to 40 feet in length, with the head of a snake and the body of an eel. It is believed to be bluish-black to brown in color and swims in a wavy motion. Of the reported sightings, a small minority describe a large-sized fish from 6 to 10 feet in length and similar to a white sturgeon. Sightings have come from locals and tourists alike, with a mass majority being reputable members of the society and not the type to make up stories. The creature has earned the nickname of "Montana's Nessie" by the locals in a reference to the infamous creature believed to dwell in Scotland's Loch Ness.

Is Flathead Lake Monster Maybe a Giant Sturgeon?

Giant Sturgeon

While many claim the creature might be nothing more than a large sturgeon, believers point to the fact that there are no records of sturgeon appearing in the lake. In attempt to solve the mystery, the company Big Fish Unlimited announced a cash reward in the 1950s to anyone who caught a sturgeon in Flathead Lake. It appeared to work when on May 28, 1955, an angler by the name of C. Leslie Griffith came forward with a 7-foot-6-inch, 181-pound white sturgeon that he claimed to pull from the lake. The catch generated a lot of buzz, but many people doubted his story and claimed that the fish was actually caught elsewhere and brought to Flathead Lake. There are reports that a biologist from the University of Montana examined the contents of the fish's stomach and determined that it had really come from a separate river. However, Griffith stuck with his story and even testified under oath that the fish came out of the lake during a trial contesting ownership of the fish. Today, the sturgeon can be seen at the nearby Polson-Flathead Historical Museum.

Monster Sightings in 1993

Flathead Lake Monster Sightings in 1993
Though there have been scattered reports over the years, 1993 proved to be an active year in Flathead Lake Monster sightings. In total, there were thirteen different reported sightings of the creature throughout the year. On a sighting on May 24, someone reported seeing two separate creatures swimming together in the Big Arm Bay area of the lake. In that case, the two branched off in different directions and one was reportedly much larger than the other. The possibility that there are multiple creatures in the lake would explain other sightings later that year, when two different groups of people would report seeing the creature within 25 minutes of one another, but over 15 miles apart. Most of the sightings of 1993 were accompanied by the report of large schools of fish around the creature that were jumping out of the water, apparently in attempt to escape it.

The Flathead Monster Today

There are still scattered reports of sightings of the Flathead Lake Monster to this day. On August 18, 1998, an angler on the lake reported seeing a large object tailing a lake trout that he was pulling in. On July 28, 2005, a couple was relaxing on an anchored boat when they heard splashing that caught their attention. They turned to watch a creature they estimated to be 25-feet long swimming 75 to 100 yards away from them. They described it as having dark-colored skin with several rounded humps that rose up to two feet out of the water as it swam. Most sightings seem to be focused on the western side of the lake, with a good number coming from the areas on the lake known as Skidoo Bay, Polson Bay, and The Narrows. If you travel to the area, keep alert because you never know what you might see.

UB-65: Haunted German Submarine

This happened at dawn on July 10, 1918. One of the patrol American submarines sailed from the Atlantic's very surface, not far from Cape Claire.The dawn periscope cut the waves and turned slightly in all directions, which indicated that someone was observing the open sea, which was still shrouded in mist. 

It was the officer on duty, who a few moments later began to strain his gaze because it seemed to him that some kind of ship was floating about half a mile away. He informed the commander, so together they estimated that it was most likely a submarine, whose crew wanted to breathe in the fresh morning air. They could already make out the details quite clearly-the lid on the command tower was raised, and a man was walking on the bow next to the cannon as if on guard or going out for a walk. Lowering the periscope, the commander ordered an alert and to prepare the bow torpedoes. The submarine then surfaced. At that time, the technique of submarine shooting had not yet been mastered, so submarine skirmishes also took place on the surface, and on this occasion, it was necessary to determine whether it was an enemy submarine.

Ghost on Submarine
The First World War was still going on. The United States of America also went up against Germany, so the conflicts in the Atlantic became more and more intense. As soon as he lifted the lid and went out onto the command tower, the commander began to observe the unknown submarine through binoculars. That man was still walking on the bow next to the cannon. He was wearing a short leather coat, the kind worn by German submariners, so there was no longer any doubt that he was an enemy officer. The American submarine took up combat positions and expected further commands, while the commander was surprised that the Germans did not notice them, because in the meantime, they approached them a few hundred meters away. Just when he wanted to call them for identification, something happened that they least expected-a terrible explosion simply blew up an enemy submarine. A huge cloud of smoke and water vapor emerged from the current torch, and debris was scattered all around. The explosion occurred in the submarine itself, probably due to someone's negligence, because no torpedoes or grenades were fired from the American side. If they had been closer, they could have been killed, but this way they only felt the air strike and shook a little from the strength of the detonation.

It was not until August 1, 1918, that the German press announced that the U-65 submarine had disappeared and was considered lost, along with a crew of 34 officers and sailors. After the First World War, this case was especially dealt with by the American and British navies. The reason was the discovery of a strictly confidential Z/U-65 file in the secret archives of the German admiralty. The preserved documents are actually a horrible story about that submarine, which seemed destined to bring misfortune to its crew and was hinted at from the very beginning of construction. One worker died and another was seriously injured and disabled. A fire broke out in the future engine room when it was half built. Some claimed that the room inexplicably began to fill with smoke, and the three technicians could not get out because the door was stuck and they suffocated. On a test voyage in October 1916, an engineer who performed inspection work on that submarine committed suicide. He jumped from the deck into the sea and immediately sank. When the submarine dived after that, it landed on the seabed, and all the efforts of the crew to bring it back to the surface remained in vain. After 12 o'clock, she suddenly shook and, regardless of the fact that no one did anything, she rushed and emerged on her own. A few days later, while loading ammunition, a torpedo exploded under unexplained circumstances. Another deck officer and five sailors were killed.

The submarine was significantly damaged and towed to the shipyard for repair. Then the terrified non-commissioned officer, Karl Josef Pedersen, reported to the commander and told the visibly excited story of the horrible encounter: "At the submarine torpedo warehouse, I saw another deck officer killed. He was in a short leather coat, an officer's, as he was the day he was killed. Due to the cramped space, he walked past me and touched me with his elbow. I saw him quite clearly. He looked real. I felt when he touched me. Nobody in the admiralty believed the story of that non-commissioned officer, who deserted that same evening. But, a few days later, almost the entire crew of the submarine was faced with such statements. She sailed the English channel and surfaced in the evening. At that time, several sailors, officers and non-commissioned officers, saw a man in the bow, who they recognized as a dead friend. After cruising the Atlantic, where she sank several Allied ships in the spring of 1917, the submarine returned to its home shipyard. It surfaced just as English planes bombed it. Unaware of what was going on outside, the commander lifted the lid of the command tower and was fatally shot in the head, so the Admiralty launched an investigation into all these strange events. Nothing unusual was discovered. The submarine then sailed with a new commander and crew. But as he jumped through the command tower, gunner Erich Eberhard shouted frantically: "I saw him next to the bow torpedo tube!".

Commander Gustav Shell immediately detained the gunner for causing panic. That night, Eberhard managed to tear off the bayonet of the guard who was guarding him and join him! It was at that moment, as it later turned out, that the chief engineer saw the dead officer. However, as he was fearless and did not believe in ghosts, he moved towards him. He slipped and injured his leg, so that he would behave more and more strangely in the following days, until, in the end, Commander Shell realized that the man was literally crazy. He ordered him to be tied up until he disembarked, so he continued the cruise in search of Allied convoys. He came across one near the Bay of Biscay and launched an attack. They sank two merchant ships, but were hit by a grenade, so they dived abruptly.

Standing on the seabed, they removed the damage, and then they saw the dead officer performing repairs with tools in his hands. With great effort, they trained one of the engines, but they did not manage to start the submarine. And then, suddenly, she rushed to the surface on her own. The machine started working, and so they were dragged to the home shipyard. After the overhaul, she got a new crew and set sail again. She reported regularly from the Atlantic, and then suddenly "fell silent," which caused great astonishment in the Admiralty. In those days, no one reported a clash with that submarine until July 10, 1918, when news spread from the United States about the inexplicable explosion of a submarine carrying a German officer in a short leather coat. 

Strange events with that submarine, if the ghost were left out, are also more than attractive for research. So many deaths and unexplained events have not been recorded on any ship, although accidents during construction or loading are not uncommon, as are breakdowns on the high seas, but where and why all this on that submarine? The U-65 file was studied immediately after the end of the First World War by experts from the British Admiralty, who spoke with crew members but did not comment on the report. They only confirmed that all the documents in that file are true, and therefore the statements of the submariners, which do not have to be trusted.

Black Magic
Some people believe that black magic works and actually exists. People find this topic interesting because it is still quite unusual. To find out if black magic works, we must first know what it is and how is supposed to be performed. 

Black art is a system that emphasizes the human ability to manipulate evil with the help of paranormal or supernatural forces. Black magic is performed with the help of various objects such as: herbs, magical symbols, ghost dance, personal items of victims, bones, earth…

People who practice black magic have sold their souls to the devil. Before a person practices magic, he must perform a special ritual in which he becomes attached to the devil, gives his soul to him, and serves him. Once the demon is activated, it can no longer be repelled. If the devil gets the soul of the victim he is satisfied but if he does not get the soul intended for him, he will also be satisfied with the soul of the man who ordered the magic and finally with the soul of the performer. As long as the person respects the devil's contract and sends sacrifices to him, nothing bad will happen to him, but if the person seeks the help of a white magician who drives the demon away, the magician must sacrifice a new victim or the demon or devil will judge him.

Black Magician
Black magicians are supposed to look horrific, but this is not true at all. They are quite ordinary people in appearance, only that their profession is unusual. Black magicians are people who are very tidy and friendly at first glance, live in tidy environments and are always ready to come to our aid. This is their charm and advantage, because you personally would never have thought or even believed that these people are involved in black magic. 

The spells are usually performed at night, between 1.00 and 3.00 in the morning. Magic is made according to ancient "recipes". A successful ritual requires personal items that depend on the type of magic. Black magician wraps objects with wool, thread, or fills them with flesh, bones, earth, paper, grass…. During the “packing” process, the magician calls his “friendly” demonic force. Thus the astral passage is established. Once this is connected, the client usually receives this item back and has to hide it near the victim or put it in food or drink. When this energy connects with yours then the demon enters your soul and aura and thus the cycle of the curse begins.

Voodoo Black Magic
90% of people who order magic are relatives, acquaintances or friends. Most often it is love magic, financial magic that weakens people's financial situation, and then psychic magic that robs people of mental stability. 
The most famous spells are gypsy magic, Wallachian magic, voodoo magic. We don't have to help ourselves with a solution from magic, but a one-time visit to a black magic remover or healer is enough. A real healer doesn't want money from you. A fake healer is most easily recognized if he tells you in advance that a visit to him is not free. One of the rules for a healer is that he should never charge someone a certain amount for treatment. A record may be accepted from the therapist, which must be handwritten on white paper, other forms of protection written on paper and healing water. 
If we find an object of black magic, we throw it into the water or the river or burn it and then bury it far away and do not return there. Once a person is found to be under the influence of black magic, victims should never told who did the black magic to them. If the victim found out who did the black magic to her and went to that person, told her the truth or threatened her, this would violate the law of white magic. You should never directly accuse anyone of making or sending you black magic, even if you know that it is that person, as the law of magic would be violated in this case and could turn against you or the one who did it to you. On the other hand, the curiosity of "who did this to me" is inside a person. 
Well, black magic is always made by people who are very close to us, even the closest ones, so these findings can often be very shocking for all people and sometimes it’s even best to never find out who did this to us. Also, in the business world, the use of magic is as widespread as the use of telepathic powers, all the way to the worst rituals of obsession and provoking death.

Lost Continent of Atlantis
Lost continent of Atlantis is one of the oldest and most spellbinding of all the world's unexplained mysteries. Where exactly was Atlantis, and where is it now? What caused its destruction? Exactly how advanced were the Atlanteans?

Plato, a greek philosopher, gave us the first known account of Atlantis. Plato was said to have lived from about 428 to 348 B.C. He was a student of Socrates. After studying with Socrates, Plato opened up his own philosophy school. There he began to write his philosophies in a dialogue form. These dialogues always featured Socrates as the main character. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he wrote about an amazing place called Atlantis.
He believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar. Great continent extremely technologically advanced, was destroyed and lost by a rush of ocean covering the evidence to us to this day. Atlantis was approximately the size of Libya and Asia put together. The city of Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a bullseye. Alternating rings of land separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
This empire was founded by the God of the Sea, Poseidon. Poseidon had 5 children on this island. Atlas, the firstborn, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named after him. The land was then divided into ten sections to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs.

City of Atlantis
The capital of Atlantis was the best of engineering and architecture. This city was made up of walls and canals. In the very center was a hill, and on top of this hill was a temple to the God of the Sea. Inside the temple was a gold statue of Poseidon driving six winged horses.
Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed men. He also believed that the army had a vast number of chariots. Horses were definitely used. This was the theory that had caused many to believe that the horse that evolved from Asia became domesticated in Atlantis.
Elephants are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlantean culture. Plato even writes himself: "There were a great number of elephants on the island, for there was ample provision of food for all sorts of animals, including for the animal which is the largest and the most voracious of all."
The strange part about the elephants, is that the epoch in when the continent of Atlantis was supposedly alive and flourishing, mastodons and mammoths were abundant, and the elephant did not come about until approximately the supposed time when the continent of Atlantis was believed to have "fallen" into the ocean, the same time when mastodons and mammoths became extinct.

The Location of Atlantis

Underwater Ruins
All races share the story of a great flood that destroyed an entire civilization. The name Atlantis appears in various forms throughout the world. The Canary Islands have a legend involving Atalaya. The Basques of Northern Spain have Atlaintica. The Vikings told the tale of Atli. Northern Africa called it Attala. The Aztecs have Aztlán, and the North American Indians called theirs Azatlán.
Plato said Atlantis was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere west of the Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar). This description has lead to many people believing that Atlantis could have been the Aegean Island of Thera (Santorini) which suddenly blew up.
Atlantis was also identified as part of an ancient series of land bridges that stretched across the Atlantic and even out into the Pacific as far as New Zealand. Others say that the Canary Islands are the tops of Atlantis' tallest mountains. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking. The discovery of blue eyes and blondness among some of Africa's Berbers soon led some people to place Atlantis in the Atlas mountains of modern Morocco and Tunisia. Still others claim that Atlantis was not even on this planet.
Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice Age." Pillars are abundant on the oceanic floors, but are these pillars naturally made or man-made?
The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was an Atlantean himself. He was a prophet that believed that spirits spoke to him in his dreams. The dreams revealed revelations of great extent for his own life and many others. His prophetic visions attracted many people, which in turn made many seek out his help in life through his "seeing eye." Cayce believed that he was being told his clairvoyances from Atlantean gods and spirits.
One prophecy that Edgar Cayce had made, did not come to pass, this was regarding the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. Cayce also suggested that the island was located near the Bermuda island of Bimini.

Minoan Crete
Many scientists and archeologists associate Minoan Crete with the lost Atlantis, partially counting on the words of Plato, whose descriptions fit the findings and evidence of the Minoan civilization: "Our records show how your city checked a great power which arrogantly advanced from its base in the Atlantic Ocean to attack the cities of Europe and Asia. For in those days the Atlantic was navigable. "
Since Plato described the story of Atlantis, numerous myths, legends, and scientific studies have appeared. Many people believe that Atlantis is located in Greece –maybe in Crete, Santorini or even at the Gibraltar.
The lost continent to this day, has many possibilities of where it could "be," however, no scientific evidence that is strong enough to prove Atlantis had existed has been yet found. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist!

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